
Some of my projects from architecture studies.
My studies
I am an architecture graduate.
I started my education in this field at the Technical University of Berlin in 2013 and graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science degree.
Later on, I continued my studies in Vienna (2017-2020), where I completed my master's degree at the Technical University of Vienna (Dipl. -Ing./MSc).

Gasometers' revitalisation

The gasometers were built in 1888 and 1900 as part of the second gasworks in Warsaw. They were used as brick housings for the real steel gas containers. The gasworks operated for almost a hundred years, with interruptions during the First and Second World Wars. After the gasworks was closed in 1978, the gasometers also lost their function.In the 1990s some ideas for reuse of the gas containers appeared. Originally, they were supposed to be converted into a gallery, but these plans were not implemented. Finally, the land with the gasometers was given to a private owner for little money in 1996. Since then, practically nothing has happened here. Until 2020 the buildings have neither been adapted nor protected in any way against destruction and are therefore slowly falling into ruin.
As a result, the town council became interested in the land and took legal action with the owner to get the land back. The legal proceedings are underway. The aim of this project was to propose a concept for the revitalisation of the gasometers in order to establish a link with history while taking into account the contemporary urban context as well. The purpose is to reintegrate the objects into the urban use and to integrate them into the urban fabric, so that they can once again serve the city and its inhabitants as they were originally intended to. The programme is largely oriented towards culture and public functions, so that it will be an interesting meeting place for as many people as possible.
Mixed-use for citizens
Master Thesis, TU Vienna

Hidden housing

The form of the whole complex was inspired by two different building typologies popular in Rovinj. First of them is very tense structure in city center, which is only split by small alleys and hidden patios. The second one is the structure of detached houses built separated and independent from each other.Project was created by joining those two elements - hidden patios and seemingly chaotic placement of the buildings along the hight lines. 
Each unit with apartments for locals consists of the patio (the central point of the unit) and living area around. The living area is divided into three or four apartments and storage area with the circulation. Three units joint together build a module with 10 apartments with different square areas. The other part of the module are tourist-units. Each regular apartment belongs together with one tourist-unit, which can be rent in summer (on a host-guest basis) or used some other way in winter. The whole project consist of 7 living modules and a public building.
The public building was created on the basis of the living module and its mirror image joint with each other. They built a closed form with three closed patios in the middle. Opening the patios on their sides ensures better circulation around the public building and creates connection between the site and the chapel nearby.
The circulation on the site was planned in three steps. First step was creating the connection in the middle. The axis lead along the site at the point, where the slope was the smoothest, works as a link between the seaside and the road across the site. In the second step all the houses got connected with the axis in the middle to ensure the shortest way from the  apartments to the sea. At the end modules were joint with the roads around the site.
Temporary housing
Master Studies, TU Vienna

Community Corner

This project was developed in collaboration with the company CREE by Rhomberg. the students were supposed to develop the building with qualitative but affordable flats for young people (25 to 35 years old) living in Vienna. As the building construction, students were suppesed to use The Cree-System, which is a new timber-hybrid modular construction system. It is based on a high range of prefabricated elements such as wooden pillars, hybrid ceiling-panels and facade elements, which can be combined in different ways and incorporated as model at the end. Although planing process is partially restricted, it is possible to create extremely flexible buildings within the Cree-System. Inside of the building can actually be planed regardless of the construction and changed freely and fast, if necessary, what provides a great flexibility. Thanks to precise planing process, final costs are very predictable and the amount of time required for construction is low. Materials used by Cree are also very eco-friendly.

*cooperation with Aikaterini Vassileiau
Low-budget housing
Master Studies, TU Vienna
2018 - 2019

Art village

The subject of my undergraduate work was housing for artists. The goal was to create a comprehensive place to live and create. Very important thing is the location of the project. The plot is located in the Kreuzberg district and is placed right in the center between the Jewish Museum Berlin, Berlinische Galerie and green space. There were three entrances to the parcel planned - each arranged in a straight line from one of the three objects mentioned above. In this way a circulation is created. The object was based on a 5mx5m fundamental unit. This size allows to plan a living unit for one person. Other rooms were created by multiplicating the fundamental unit: atelier, living room, corridor with kitchen and storage, which combined together create a module. It is intended for 4 artists who share all the space except for living units. The 8 joint modules form entire housing estate. Different parts of each module that play different roles in the modules differ not only in surface but also in height. Modules are connected so that the entire object can be walked around looking inside all the studios, where the continous exhibition takes place. In addition, all the modules have direct access to the courtyard, allowing artists to organize larger exhibitions there as well. In this way the artist have the possibility to create a community with the environment. 

*cooperation with Dominika Pohle
Housing for artists
Bachelor Studies, TU Berlin


The project „Sundial” is designed and oriented based on the sun path observation. The volu- mes of the building are getting shortened in the southern direction and increasing in the northern direction. That provides the most efficient natural lighting of the residential flats. The living units are accessible by three different types of circulation (open-air corridor, closed corridor and direct entrance from the elevator lobby). It enables us to have the best view from each flat in the Tiergarten and Spree-river direction. The building shape remains in close relation to the outlines of the site. It creates an almost closed courtyard, accessible by the spacious openings in each corner of the house. The green open-space is available for residents and strangers, what transforms the private courtyard into the well accessible, inviting city zone with many entertainment possibilities. Crossings in the courtyard join entrances of public programs offered in the first floors with the main entrances of the site. The construction, composed of pillars placed in 6m distance, enables to plan flexible living units. The balconies created on the roofs have partially private and cooperative usage.

*cooperation with Dominika Pohle, Ayman Omeirat, Dao Zhou
Flexible housing
Bachelor Studies, TU Berlin
2018 - 2019